Blog Profiles: 3 Health & Wellness Blogs

Welcome to Blog Profiles! Each week, we select a topic and a handful of blogs that do a great job contributing to the conversation. This year we look at our favorite health and wellness blogs. Do you have a blog that deserves recognition? Tweet our writers at @BeyondBylines.

Health and Wellness Blogs We Love -

My friends, we have officially entered the second half of Q1/2021!  Be honest, this is a safe space – How are we feeling?

[Insert 60-second mental break to breathe and actually check-in on yourself]

At the close of each winter season, most pivot into three weeks of positive-thought and self-reflection. We ponder where/who we are and where/who we want to be by the close of the glistening new calendar year.  This pastime is as close as we get to that nostalgic 90s just read “Chicken Soup for the Soul” sense of clarity and mindfulness that we could all use after 12 months of remaining responsibly socially distant.

But once the new “must-have” spin bike is rendered unattainable, vitamin and healthy living powerhouses have hit peak earnings, and we are two YouTube videos past the point of return from the aesthetically-stunning, Marie Kondo-inspired rabbit hole, the anthemic posts and curated clips promoting our stride for self-improvement will pass.

Whether we’re struggling with self-accountability or the unending political “tea” dominating hot topics, we also continue to battle a global pandemic that has left us with an inherent sense of isolation and lack of control. It is for these reasons, among others, that it is more important than ever to invest in our physical, mental, and community health. All of which begins with a conversation or good ol’ Google search.

So allow me to fire up our internal engines by angling a well-deserved spotlight on the health and wellness blogs and thought leaders curating education, awareness, and personal experience for the wellbeing of others.

New York Times | Well

I’m well, in part, thanks to reading Well. This award-winning, New York Times consumer health blog site was founded by the fabulous Tara Parker-Pope and continues to empower us with science-based advice to help us find our path for living well every day.

This is a personal stand-out for me. Despite an impeccably intuitive navigational layout, it is easy to get lost in an array of quality content covering all things health. From pose tips for the yogis to nutritional best practices to take into the kitchen and tips for handling grief, you will find something that will fill your tank to proceed on your journey for a healthier and happy life.

Recommended reads: Turning the Page on the Year; This Valentine’s Day, Take Love Lessons From the Astronauts; How Much Exercise Do You Need for Better Heart Health; 7 Steps to Better Sleep; and I’m still sore from The Standing 7-Minute Workout, thanks to Chris Jordan.

Follow @nytimeswell on Twitter.

Zen Habits

This one-man master blog is brought to us by Leo Babauta from sunny San Diego, California. While my personal preference typically lands on the opposite coast, Zen Habits reminds me of the need and possibility for living a cool, joyous, and well-tempered life.

In short, this pick focuses on the importance of mental health. After all, who are we to turn away from the potential to stay calm and zen on?

Here are a few great posts: 9 Rules for a Simpler Day; Positive Feedback Loops; How to Be More Present & Alive in the Moment; and Relaxing with Chaos.

Follow @zen_habits on Twitter.


With over 10 years in the space of healthy living, mindbodygreen has cultivated a collective of expert contributors and editors to produce an array of content, connecting soul and science.

Covering mental, physical, spiritual, emotional, and environmental aspects of well-being, the diverse content hub has more than earned a position on this list.

Check out these unique articles: Your Thoughts Have Energy—Here’s How They Affect Those Around You; What Exactly Is Intuitive Exercise & How Do I Practice It?; A Simple Way To Nurture Love For Your Body Over Time, From A Sex Educator; and How To Do Inchworm Exercise: Tips, Modifications & Benefits.

Follow @mindbodygreen on Twitter.

screenshot of @mindbodygreen on Instagram

Credit: @mindbodygreen on Instagram

Before we call it a wrap, don’t think I pulled out the Chicken Soup for the Soul reference without diving into the World Wide Web to see where the iconic staple stands. To my delight, it appears that its mission to change our world one story at a time remains in full force and you better believe I signed up for the weekly inspirational bulletin.

After all, we may be physically apart, but we are far from alone. So when life is tough, remember to focus on what we can control by taking a moment to enjoy all that is good!

P.S. Ever wonder how we come up with ideas for our blog profiles? Our handy list of industries and subjects on PR Newswire for Journalists stays top of mind. If you’re a blogger or journalist looking for health and wellness news, let us know. We can customize a newsfeed for you.

Cory Max Montoya is a Sr. Account Executive at PR Newswire. When he’s not working, Cory Max can be found hiking, binge-watching his next streaming obsession, or playing Nintendo Switch with his niece, who continues to remind him that life is a gift to be treasured and celebrated.

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