Blog Profiles: DIY Automotive Repair Blogs

diy auto repair blogs

Welcome to Blog Profiles! Each week, PR Newswire selects an industry or subject and a handful of sites that do a good job with promoting and contributing to the conversation. Do you have a blog that deserves recognition? Tweet to us! Tell Blog Profiles writers Christine Cube and Mary Johnson why on @BeyondBylines

My knowledge of cars starts and ends with turning it on.

I also can add oil on long road trips and maybe change a tire in a pinch. When we have car troubles, I let the Hubs deal with it.

When I have to pretend to know what he is talking about, I look to these bloggers for quick answers.

The Humble Mechanic is the perfect title for this blog. This Volkswagen technician admits that he is not a writer and will occasionally spell things wrong, but wanted to connect more with his customers.

Charles openly shares what it’s like to be a mechanic in a very high-tech industry. He also is incredibly charismatic in his videos even while explaining VR6 vs 18 turbo swap. I like watching his video; I feel like I can talk shop with my mechanic now.

I also recommend How Good Mechanics Become HACKS.

Follow @HumbleMechanic on Twitter. is geared toward helping consumers find a safe and reliable source for expert automotive advice and research.

Here, readers can search for an auto dealer, tire dealer, collision center, and auto service and repair centers. I recommend “Are you an annoying lane changer?” But, if you have to ask the question, you probably are.

I also recommend browsing the maintenance and repair articles. Especially, if you are like me and are seeking out general knowledge.

Follow @AskPatty on Twitter.

EricTheCarGuy not only is a mechanic, but also an artist and videographer. He launched his YouTube channel when he lost his job at a dealership.

He saw a much-needed service in the DIY auto needs and jumped.

I watched his videos, and I recommend wiper blade replacement with Kelly and Gail. I think I can now change a wiper blade.

Follow @EricTheCarGuy on Twitter.

My Auto Repair Advice was inspired by family and friends, who wished the author lived closer.

Starting as a DIY mechanic, then as a certified auto technician and finally ending up as automotive manager, this author offers straightforward advice.

I’m a fan of a clean design and easy-to-find topics. Also, the advice is easy to follow. I feel like the directions are directed at people, like me, who don’t have a clue, but would like to try to understand. I recommend “Why My Car Won’t Start” as well as troubleshooting basics.

Follow @CarQuestionGuy on Twitter.

P.S. Ever wonder how we come up with ideas for our blog profiles? Our handy list of industries and subjects on PR Newswire for Journalists stays top of mind. If you’re a blogger or journalist looking for auto news, let us know. We can customize a news feed for you on PR Newswire for Journalists.

Mary Johnson is the office manager in the PR Newswire Cleveland office. You can find her blogging at or as she overshares on Instagram. Follow her on Twitter at @mryjhnsn.

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