Blog Profiles: Beard Blogs
Welcome to Blog Profiles! Each week, we select a topic and handful of blogs that do a great job contributing to the conversation. Our latest roundup focuses on beard blogs. Do you have a blog that deserves recognition? Tweet our writers at @BeyondBylines.
Movember is just about to wrap.
If you’re new to the term, it’s an annual event during the month of November that involves the growing of mustaches to raise awareness of men’s health issues.
As we approach the colder months, I vote we take mustaches a step further.
Here are five beard blogs I mustache you to read. (#puns)
1. The Beard Struggle
The Beard Struggle is a site for beard brothers and admirers. It sells beard kits and products, and it also has a blog.
“The purpose of our existence is to increase awareness, appreciation, and understanding of the beard,” says the site. “The intended audience is anyone who has any interest in — or curiosity about — beards and has a good sense of humor.”
If you thought the beautician’s chair was exclusive to women, Beard Facials Are On The Increase, And We Can Totally See Why will help dispel that myth. How to Eat Your Way to a Better Beard helps men find the right nutrients to feed their growing facial fuzz.
The Many Stages Most Men Experience During No Shave November also is a fun must-read.
Follow @beard_struggle on Twitter.

Credit: @thebeardstruggle on Instagram
2. Niall Sullivan
Niall Sullivan is a bit newer to the beard blogging game.
By day, he’s a digital marketer. His real passion is blogging and beards, he says, on the site. Sullivan’s goal is to keep new and current beard growers up-to-date on tips for keeping their beard looking great.
The posts on this blog are ultra-consumable. I really liked his post: How to Overcome the Most Common Beard Growing Problems, and the related video on How to Grow a Rockin’ Beard.
Opinion: Why Criticising No Shave November and Movember is a Disgrace also is a must-read.
Follow @thebeardedniall on Twitter.

Credit: @niall_1988 on Instagram
3. The Brighton Beard Company
The Brighton Beard Company sells all-natural, handcrafted beard care products. It was established just four years ago in the seaside town of Brighton, on the south coast of England.
Its team has one motive: “to create a distinctive beard care range that championed both style and nourishment,” says the site. The blog champions the urban beardsman.
Brighton’s posts are fun. Beard Trivia and our Animals with Better Beards Than You will not disappoint.
Grey Matter: What Makes My Beard Grey? touches on the phenomenon that is hair color changes, and how to reduce the possibility of getting greys.
Follow @brightonbeardco on Twitter.

Credit: @brightonbeardco on Instagram.
4. Zeus
Zeus is a grooming blog for the bearded man. It also has a shop.
“While beards look rad, an established beard can be itchy, stinky, knotty, and difficult to tame,” says the site. But Zeus believes in being beard strong. After all, “your beard is your pride and a very personal statement about who you are,” writes Zeus.
The Best Beard Style for Your Face Shape and 10 Fun Beard Trends to Try will help the future beardsmen determine how to start on or evolve their personal style.
Should You Blow Dry Your Beard? answers the age-old question for the bearded masses. Air dry, towel dry, or speed things up? There’s some science in the answer.
Follow @zeusbeardco on Twitter.

Credit: @zeusbeard on Instagram.
5. Grizzly Adam
Typically, we only feature four blogs. But I just couldn’t leave this one off the list.
Grizzly Adam is another beard oil and grooming products company out of the U.K. It was founded in 2013 by Nigel Owen and Tim Nutkins, who quit their day jobs to join the big-beard movement.
I’m a lady and without a beard, but I imagine their posts to be extremely helpful for those sporting a five o’clock shadow (and then some).
How To Solve Any Beard-Related Skin Condition goes into nice detail about the causes and solutions of your most common beard conditions. Over 17 Common Beard Myths and Facts Debunked – No Bullshit Version is also an interesting must-read.
Also, for the holidays, don’t miss the messy, but festive Beardazzling Guide to Creating a Glitter Beard.
Follow @grizzlyadamuk on Twitter.
P.S. Ever wonder how we come up with ideas for our blog profiles? Our handy list of industries and subjects on PR Newswire for Journalists stays top of mind. If you’re a blogger or journalist looking for men’s interest news, let us know. We can customize a newsfeed for you.
Anna Jasinski is senior manager of audience relations at PR Newswire and former magazine journalist. Follow her on Twitter at @annamjasinski. You can also catch her sharing the latest news in journalism and blogging on @BeyondBylines.