Blog Profiles: Dance Blogs
Welcome to Blog Profiles! Each week, we select a topic and handful of blogs that do a great job contributing to the conversation. This week’s list features a few inspiring dance blogs. Do you have a blog that deserves recognition? Tweet our writers at @BeyondBylines.
I’m a dancer.
For years, I’ve danced Polynesian revue around the DC area. Shows also have taken me as far north as Syracuse, NY, and south to Atlanta.
My favorite form of dance — and the one that I immerse myself in year-round — is hula. It’s in this spirit that I bring to you great examples of dance blogs.
1. Steezy
Steezy is more than a blog about dance – it offers classes and training as well.
“We love dance,” the blog says. “And we know you do, too. Steezy’s mission is to share the dance experience by making it accessible to everyone.”
No matter your form of dance, I felt some of the posts really could apply to any type of dancer.
Among the posts that caught my eye: 5 Easy Workouts for Dancers to Improve Your Dancing, Why You Shouldn’t Call Urban Dance “Hip Hop,” and Inside Steezy: Looking to 2018, A Letter From Connor.
Follow @thatsteezy_ on Twitter.

Credit: on Instagram
2. A Dancer’s Life
A Dancer’s Life is aimed at inspiring, educating, and empowering the dancer.
The blog is produced by Energetiks, an Australian dance fashion brand that was founded in Melbourne in 1988.
The blog celebrates “all aspects of dance and fitness through sharing knowledge, inspiration, tips, news and interviews,” the site says.
A Dancer’s Life is an attractive site.
Its posts are relevant to all types of dancers. Recent interesting posts include What is Barre class and why is it so beneficial to dancers (and everyone else)?, Reliving the Victorian Dance Festival 2018, and 6 simple exercises for improving ankle strength.
Follow @EnergetiksDance on Twitter.

Credit: @energetiks on Instagram
3. Nickelz Production Hip Hop Dance Blog
Nickelz Production is a site with info about classes, performance, studio rentals, and it features videos.
“Nickelz Production provides a hub for dancers to come together to train on the fundamentals of dance, develop technically, grow as performers explore creativity and discover who they are as a dancer,” it says. “We are of the belief that when dancers with a common purpose to ‘Become Better Dancers’ train together, develop together, and explore together they automatically challenge and inspire each other to become better dancers.”
I love this site’s use of animated GIFs. Very amusing.
Notable recent posts include 5 Artists We’re Currently Playing on Repeat, 5 Tips for Improving Your Dance Skills for the New Year, and Top 10 Reasons to Start a Hip Hop Class This Fall.
Follow @NickelzProd on Twitter.
4. The Ballet Blog
The Ballet Blog aims to be “your ultimate guide to resolving pain, preventing injury, and optimizing dance performance.”
“The information provided here is designed to help you optimize your body’s biomechanics and provide the tools you need to empower you in your own healing,” the blog says.
The site was started by Lisa Howell, who in 2005 started Perfect Form Physio, one of the first physiotherapy clinics with a focus on the treatment and education of dancers.
Some good posts include I’m Injured and need help, #paythedancers – What Are You Worth?, and The Overstretching Issue Hits Mainstream Media on the ABC.
Follow @theballetblog on Twitter.

Credit: @theballetblogofficial on Instagram
P.S. Ever wonder how we come up with ideas for our blog profiles? Our handy list of industries and subjects on PR Newswire for Journalists stays top of mind. If you’re a blogger or journalist looking for art and dance news, let us know. We can customize a newsfeed for you.
Christine Cube is a senior audience relations manager with PR Newswire and freelance writer. Follow her at @cpcube.