A Writer’s Guide to Self-Preservation: 7 Self-Care Tips

Writers pour their hearts and souls into their work, often neglecting their personal needs in the process. For writing professionals, there’s an idea that self-care is a luxury. The truth is that self-care is a luxury that should not be neglected. In fact, it’s essential for creativity, success and peace of mind.

So as we celebrate International Self-Care Day (July 24), anticipate a very stressful election reporting season and recognize the levels of burnout among journalists, our team is here to help writers with a few steps to ensure you’re taking that necessary time to reset and recharge.

To achieve a self-care goal, the easiest place to begin is the basics. Here are a few tips to help you get started.

  • Develop a Routine: An established routine can be a game-changer. Selecting specified hours for writing can prevent anxiety and writer’s block. This small adjustment has the potential to reduce the mental load of deciding when to write each day.
  • Take Breaks: Breaks are essential in self-care. It may be tempting to push through, but short walks, stretching exercises or even a short mindfulness meditation can work wonders for your creativity. Your brain, much like a computer, needs downtime to process and recharge.
  • Clean Up Your Space: De-clutter your workspace and de-clutter your thoughts! Create a sanctuary space for writing with good lighting and a comfortable chair. Your mind and body will thank you by working cohesively to assist you in meeting your writing goals.
  • Make Connections: Writing is often an isolating practice. Make a conscious effort to connect with other writers by joining a writer’s group online, attending a workshop or finding other writers in your community to discuss your work and concepts. Sharing your experiences can be both comforting and inspiring.
  • Read More: Don’t forget to feed your creative soul by reading widely. Every book or article you read is fuel for your imagination and informed writing journey.
  • Don’t Overlook Physical Health: Taking care of your physical health is crucial. Regular exercise, a balanced diet and getting enough sleep might seem like basic advice, but they’re the foundation of a clear, energized mind.
  • Celebrate Your Wins: Celebrate every milestone, no matter how small. Be kind to yourself when setting goals and break down larger projects into smaller, manageable pieces.

As you close your notebook or power down your computer, take a moment to reflect. Your well-being isn’t just a footnote in your writing journey—it’s a central chapter. Self-care isn’t selfish; it’s an investment in your creative future. With each act of kindness toward yourself, you ensure that your unique voice remains strong, vibrant and ready to share stories for years to come.

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Joi Francis, Cision PR Newswire
Joi Francis
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For the past 8 years, Joi has worked for Cision, helping clients understand and utilize their Cision services. Her talents allow her to enjoy writing and creating videos and art. She is also consistently researching the intersection of criminal justice and mental health.

A native of Newark, New Jersey, Joi earned her Bachelor’s in Criminal Justice and Sociology from Rutgers University, followed by a Master's in Criminal Justice from Boston University. While in her Master’s program, she recognized the impact of mental health issues in the criminal justice system. This inspired her to pursue another advanced degree in Rehabilitation and Mental Health Counseling from the University of the District of Columbia.

Outside of work, Joi enjoys spending quiet moments with her twin children and partner. She continues giving back to her community through work with her sorority and church. Though Joi keeps busy, she always makes time for her creative passions, exploring emerging developments in fields close to her heart.

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