Around the Wire in Five: Local Reporters Post-Patch, Upworthy Defends at SXSW, and More Media News
Every Friday, join PR Newswire media relations manager Amanda Hicken for a round up of five recent articles and blog posts that affect journalists, bloggers, and other content creators.
Embed from Getty Images1. Upworthy Co-founder at SXSW: ‘This is what media should do’ (Poynter)
Poynter’s Sam Kirkland reports from SXSW, where Upworthy cofounder Eli Pariser sat down with The New York Times’ David Carr. Pariser defended the site’s viral headline tactics and social mission saying: “For me this is what media should do, which is help us understand what life for other people is like.”
2. Like a Phoenix from the Ashes, Local Reporters Post-Patch (Nieman Journalism Lab)
When AOL’s Patch network was restructured earlier this year, hundreds were laid off. Shortly after, some of these reporters found assistance from organizations like Broadstreet and NJ News Commons to start their own local news sites. Nieman Journalism Lab examines how these independent sites are providing a richer experience for the journalists and their audience.
3. How to Create a Loyal Blog Audience (Quick Sprout)
It’s every blogger’s aim to have a loyal audience. But how do you build a faithful readership? Neil Patel created an infographic that breaks down the key elements of audience loyalty and dos and don’ts.

Click here for the enlarged version of Neil Patel’s infographic
4. 150 Journalism Cliches – and Counting (The Washington Post)
The Washington Post’s Carlos Lozada has a game he plays with his colleagues: what verbal crutches, misused expressions, and cliches should they never use in The Post’s Sunday Outlook section? They’ve compiled a list of 150, and it keeps growing. Tweet your suggestions to @CarlosLozadaWP or @PostOutlook.
5. Rosy Forecasts About the Future of News (Newspaper Death Watch)
Internet pioneer Marc Andreessen recently dedicated 3,000 words to the future of the news business, which Newspaper Death Watch’s Paul Gillin summarizes and pairs with a more cautious, but equally interesting post from Wharton faculty on whether technology can save the news.
What was the most interesting media news you read this week? Let us know in the comments.
Amanda Hicken is a media relations manager with PR Newswire. Follow her at @ADHicken, where she tweets about the media, comic books, and her love of Cleveland.