6 Relationship & Dating Blogs We Love

Welcome to Blog Profiles! Each week, we select a topic and a handful of blogs that do a great job contributing to the conversation. As we get closer to Valentine’s Day, we’re highlighting some of our favorite relationship and dating blogs. Do you have a blog that deserves recognition? Tweet our writers at @BeyondBylines.

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When the pandemic hit, dates were largely forced to take place online and major dating apps reported increases in messaging.

And by some reports, there have been positive changes to the dating scene since the coronavirus took over our lives. “Many single Americans have been more intentional about whom they date, are having deeper conversations, and are spending more quality time with new partners,” The Atlantic’s Sara Konrath explains.

So as we approach another pandemic Valentine’s Day, we wanted to give a special shout-out to these unique blogs for daters.

If you’re getting back into the dating game, trying to figure out a date idea (even if it’s a virtual one), or looking for advice on the best profile pics, these dating blogs can be a great resource.

1. DatingAdvice.com

DatingAdvice.com is the “Authority on All Things Dating.” A team of dating experts provides advice for straight men and women, the LGBTQ+ community and seniors, so it’s a very well-rounded site full of helpful content.

The blog has more than 28,000 posts, so readers are bound to find answers to their dating questions.

Some of the unique features of the site include city dating guides, dating site reviews, and a dating coach directory.

The post “34 Interesting & Surprising Online Dating Statistics in 2022” definitely lives up to its title. One of the stats that I found particularly interesting: According to OkCupid, the sweet spot for an online dating message is between 40 and 90 characters.

And if you’re looking for a unique date idea that’s still safe during COVID times, these fall and winter date ideas make great options.

Follow @DatingAdviceCom on Twitter.

2. Hey Saturday

Named one of the top 10 dating blogs in the UK, Hey Saturday is all about online dating. It was founded by Saskia Nelson, who is credited with creating the genre of dating photography.

If you’re wondering how to improve your online dating profile, this site is a must-read. The blog is chock-full of helpful tips to get the most eye-catching photos for your profile, as well as general advice on navigating the e-dating world.

A recent post profiles the new dating app Once, which was created by an all-female team and operates on a “slow-dating” model. The app uses a set of 28 contemporary questions to determine your emotional profile in four areas: independence, extroversion, physicality and intuition.

And if your wardrobe now mainly consists of sweats and athleisure (no shame though, it’s my everyday look), Hey Saturday offers tips for what to wear in your dating profile pic.

Follow @HeySaturdayCo on Twitter.

screenshot of @heysaturday.co Instagram

Credit: @heysaturday.co Instagram

3. Global Dating Insights

This site is unique because it’s not so much about dating advice, but rather data and news from the online dating industry itself.

In addition to news articles and interviews, the site also publishes the annual GDI Power Book, which lists key influencers and startups in the dating sector. Readers can also check out the GDI Podcast for interviews with some of the industry’s movers and shakers.

Here are a few recent articles I recommend reading: Grindr Disappears From App Stores In China; So Syncd Named As ‘One To Watch’ In 2022; and Tinder Redesigns Sexual Violence Reporting System.

Follow @Global_Dating on Twitter.

4. Evan Marc Katz

When I was researching for this post, dating coach Evan Marc Katz came up on nearly every list of dating blogs that people should be reading. And for good reason. He’s been coaching for more than a decade and strives to help women understand what men are thinking and why they do what they do.

Katz explains why he decided to give advice to women rather than men: “Believe me, I wish I could get more men to grow and change and want to understand the opposite sex, but, for the most part, they don’t. This is frustrating, and is the impetus for why I give advice to women.” He says his role is to “give you the male perspective on dating and relationships, to let you know how to understand the behaviors of good men, and how to avoid the bad ones.”

Readers can browse content by categories including chemistry, communication and flirting, or opt to listen to a podcast episode.

In a recent post, Katz gives some advice to women struggling through difficult relationships. He says, “The fact is: good relationships don’t take work. They take effort, like watering a garden, but they don’t take ‘work’ like laboring in a coal mine or living through war or solitary confinement.”

Follow @evanmarckatz on Twitter.

5. The Urban Dater

I was drawn to this blog because it puts a focus on real-life dating stories and experiences. “It’s a place to chronicle all the discussions on the stomach butterflies, the heartache, the confusion, and the joy that comes with romance, and place them in one space for all to read.”

The Urban Dater started as a single-author blog, created by Alex Vasquez, and has since evolved into an active community with more than 300 contributors. Content covers a variety of topics, including dating apps, adult dating, LGBTQ dating and more.

The Ask The Urban Dater section features advice from the writers in response to real questions from readers. The section wasn’t updated for a few years but has recently been revived, so check out older posts while you wait for new ones.

A recent post discusses “manipulationships,” which are defined as “where one partner uses something against the other person (eg. emotional blackmail, gaslighting, violence, or humiliation) to get the other person to do what they want.”

Follow @theurbandater on Twitter.


6. Baggage Reclaim

Blogger Natalie Lue created this blog in 2005 when she had an awakening of sorts after dealing with a breakup on top of coping with a serious illness. She documented her journey of reclaiming herself from her emotional baggage and working to boost her self-esteem, set boundaries, and acknowledge her fears of abandonment and rejection.

She shares her life lessons and advice with readers via blog posts, podcasts, books, and online courses. As she explains on the site, “I’d love to help you too, saving you a great deal of time, energy, effort and money so that you feel less stressed, anxious, frustrated, resentful, doubting and more, and instead, more confident, loving, trusting, and free.”

Lue’s posts touch on many aspects of dating, from ghosting to emotional (un)availability, people-pleasing, and more. Many posts focus specifically on how to deal with a breakup. It’s a topic that’s tough to talk about and navigate but Lue dives right in, which I appreciate.

It was tough to pick just a few posts to highlight, but here are a couple that caught my eye: The Trouble with Bare-Minimum Relationships (podcast); Why Some People Call You “Needy” Even When It’s The First Time You’re Speaking Up; and Being Together 24/7 or Sharing All the Same Interests Won’t Make a Happy Relationship.

Follow @baggagereclaim on Twitter.

screenshot of @natlue on Instagram

Credit: @natlue on Instagram

P.S. Ever wonder how we come up with ideas for our blog profiles? Our handy list of industries and subjects on PR Newswire for Journalists stays top of mind. If you’re a blogger or journalist looking for dating and relationship news, let us know. We can customize a newsfeed for you.

Rocky Parker is the manager of Audience Relations at PR Newswire. Check out her previous posts for Beyond Bylines. When she’s not working, Rocky typically can be found cooking, binge-watching a new show, or playing with her puppy, Hudson. 


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