7 Innovative Teacher Blogs You Should Be Following

Welcome to Blog Profiles! Each week, we select a topic and handful of blogs that do a great job contributing to the conversation. As families and educators head into back-to-school season, we thought it’d be the perfect time to recognize a few standout teacher blogs.

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Summer is nearing its end and many teachers are thinking about back-to-school. They’re beginning to write their lesson plans and get the classroom ready before students begin their new school year.

There are some amazing blogs out there written by and for teachers. They focus on a range of topics, covering lesson plans, assessment strategies, career development and even the humorous side of being a teacher.

This is in no way a comprehensive list, but these are a few teacher blogs that stood out for their fun, educational and unique content in support of educators.

1. WeAreTeachers

The goal at WeAreTeachers is “to inspire teachers and help them succeed by sharing practical classroom ideas, the best freebies and giveaways, and teacher-to-teacher advice and humor.”

This “virtual teacher’s lounge” has a large library of content for educators that’s updated regularly.

I especially appreciate the humor on the site. Teachers have incredibly difficult jobs, so it’s nice to see these posts that can bring a smile to their day.

Check out these great posts:

Follow @WeAreTeachers on Twitter.

2. TeachThought

TeachThought was founded in 2012 by Terry Heick, an author and former classroom teacher. The site is focused on advancing K-20 education by developing innovative teachers.

It works toward that goal by providing followers with a wide variety of “thought leadership, professional development, resource curation, curriculum development, podcast publishing, and collaboration with organizations around the world.”

I enjoyed reading these recent posts:

Follow @TeachThought on Twitter.

3. TeacherToolkit

Ross Morrison McGill, a UK-based teacher with nearly 30 years of experience, founded TeacherToolkit in 2007. Since then, the blog has evolved into a team effort with a staff of writers and contributors posting helpful resources for teachers.

Articles include estimated reading times, which I love, and cover topics like lesson plans, research, exam tips, and more.

Check out these recent posts:

Follow @TeacherToolkit on Twitter.

4. Class Tech Tips

The Class Tech Tips blog was created by Dr. Monica Burns, an experienced teacher from New York City. Her mission is to help educators place “tasks before apps” and make the most out of technology in the classroom.

The posts are great for any teacher trying to navigate the ever-growing field of apps, websites and EdTech tools. There are great posts covering lesson ideas, coding, assessment, science tools and more.

These posts were interesting:

Follow @ClassTechTips on Twitter.

5. The Nerdy Teacher

Nicholas Provenzano, a teacher and Makerspace Director at University Liggett School in Michigan, is The Nerdy Teacher. Provenzano is also an author, speaker and consultant focused on the professional development and mental health of educators.

Readers will find unique project ideas, tips for working with different learning styles, assessment ideas and more.

Here are a few posts I enjoyed:

Follow @thenerdyteacher on Twitter.

6. Cult of Pedagogy

This blog is all about preparing and supporting educators and functions as a “vibrant, encouraging, stimulating community of teachers, supporting each other toward excellence.”

Blog topics are separated into three buckets: The Craft (instruction, classroom management, etc.), Go Deep (learning theory, career development, book reviews) and Teacher Soul (inspiration, stories and more). You can also search for posts on a huge variety of topics, including grade level, LGBTQ, parent-teacher relationships and more.

In addition to the blog, visitors can find podcast episodes, videos (for the visual learners) and a shopping section full of classroom materials, courses, books and swag.

Here are a few posts to start with:

Follow @cultofpedagogy on Twitter.

7. eCampus News

The eCampus News site focuses on innovations in higher education. Higher ed teachers can find information on online learning, tech for the classroom, student wellness and more. Whether you’re looking for a blog post, whitepaper, podcast or video, the site has you covered.

The site aims to help teachers by providing the latest innovation news and stories and assisting teachers to connect and share ideas and best practices.

Recommended reads:

Follow @ecampusnews on Twitter.

P.S. Ever wonder how we come up with ideas for our blog profiles? Our handy list of industries and subjects on PR Newswire for Journalists stays top of mind. If you’re a blogger or journalist looking for education news, let us know. We can customize a newsfeed for you.

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Rocky Parker is the Manager of Audience and Journalist Engagement at Cision PR Newswire. She's been with the company since 2010 and has worked with journalists and bloggers as well as PR and comms professionals. Outside of work, she can be found trying a new recipe, binging a new show, or cuddling with her pitbull, Hudson.

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