PR Newswire for Journalists Just Got Better

Today, our media relations team moves into a new home on  PR Newswire for Journalists (PRNJ), and we’d like to extend a warm welcome to those of you who have been members for the last 14+ years.

If you’re just arriving anew and only now learning about the many free services PR Newswire offers to journalists, bloggers, and other content creators, we extend an extra warm welcome. We hope you’ll let us know how we can assist you.  Just email us at [email protected].

Take a look around, and tell us what you think. Some portions are open to the public, but the services we offer to media require registration.

If you’re already a member of PRNJ, use your current login. If you’re new here, note that you will have to fill out a brief registration form and await verification. All members of the media are vetted before being given access to media-only features such as customized newsfeeds, ProfNet Experts, and our large gallery of photos, videos, and graphics.

So who are the journalists who use PR Newswire for Journalists?

We recently hired a leading professional services firm to survey the registrants of our media site and give us more insight into this audience. Below is what we learned.

These are the types of organizations PRNJ members reported working for:

PRNJ survey - types of organizations

Here are the main beats/industries PRNJ journalists cover (they selected all that applied):

PRNJ survey - beats final

How frequently are these journalists checking wire services like PR Newswire?

PRNJ survey - monitoring frequency

And finally we asked about social media and whether journalists were using it for keeping up with company news:

PRNJ survey - social media for co news

These results confirm something we already knew. PR Newswire has a significant responsibility to help journalists, bloggers, and other content creators get the information and assets needed to create and package stories and blog posts. We hope you’ll find the new PRNJ functionality and features will facilitate that process.

Be sure to follow Beyond Bylines for relevant content about the evolving media landscape, especially where it intersects with the PR world. We specifically will highlight great work in story coverage, media news, reviews of insightful blogs to follow, industry moves, and reports from journalist and blogger events.

This week, our focus is on individual PRNJ features, including our customizable newsfeeds and the ProfNet Experts database. If you’re a member of the media and haven’t done so yet, go here and register for the newly revamped PR Newswire for Journalists.

Victoria HarresVictoria Harres is VP, Audience Development & Social Media at PR Newswire and the original voice behind @PRNewswire. She leads the media relations team that provides customer service to the members of PR Newswire  for Journalists. In her spare time, she Instagrams the world around her.

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