ESG News: 3 Press Release Trends in April

ESG News: Press Release Trends in April 2022

Sustainability remains top of mind for many companies — both public and private — and ESG continues to be a growing topic for press releases. April in particular offers additional reasons for organizations to share news of their environmental, social and governance efforts.

Many companies took advantage of the additional press received by Earth Day, celebrated on April 22, by making announcements about their ESG initiatives. In April, we also noticed developing trends around announcing partnerships and demonstrating sustainability results.

Here are the ESG news trends we noticed in press releases sent via PR Newswire in the month of April. 

1. Sustainability’s Big Holiday

Celebrating Earth Day is a fantastic way to build buzz around your ESG/sustainability strategy. Companies of all sizes capitalized off April being Earth Month by announcing major ESG initiatives. Sharing sustainability-related news around this popular holiday can build visibility for a brand’s ESG-related developments. 

Here are a few examples: 

2. If you can’t beat them, join them. 

Partnerships have always been a strong way to build value for customers — and we saw several partnership press releases this month. Some companies are building stronger relationships with non-profit organizations like universities and foundations. For-profit companies are seeing the benefits of aligning with non-profit organizations, especially when it comes to sustainability and ESG. 

Check out these releases:

3. Showing ESG Success 

With the first quarter wrapped up, many companies are now taking the time to announce the fruits of their sustainability labor. Achieving carbon neutrality is no easy task, so companies are making sweeping announcements related to this feat. However, it isn’t enough to just achieve; companies have to keep up with it and continue to be transparent in their disclosures.

In case you missed it: 

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As the IR Activations Director at Cision, Justin Ruiss creates and executes Investor Relations strategies including sales initiatives, marketing communication, knowledge and insights. Justin’s background in equity and primary research helps frame his approach to IR.

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