The Top 3 ESG News Trends We Saw in June

ESG News: Press Release Trends in June 2022

Sustainability remains top of mind for many companies — both public and private — and ESG continues to be a growing topic we see in press releases distributed by PR Newswire. June was certainly no exception in terms of brands and organizations eager to get their environmental, social and governance news out.  

Below is a roundup of the ESG news trends we noticed in press releases sent via PR Newswire in the month of June – and how journalists can follow the latest announcements to help inform their coverage. 

1. First Half Sustainability Reports

Similar to what we witnessed at the beginning of 2022, many companies are completing their annual sustainability and ESG reports and sharing the results. They announced highlights around key metrics, milestones and timetables for their ESG goals.

A sustainability report is paramount in telling the overall ESG story of a company, and following these announcements should be part of any journalist’s newsfeed setup.  

Here are a few recent examples: 

2. ESG in Healthcare

Prioritizing commitments to various communities and organizations is a great way to build awareness and execute on the “social” portion of ESG. In June, we saw large commitments made to organizations within the healthcare space. Companies are providing capital and resources to healthcare providers to differentiate themselves in the industry while also providing critical services to underserved communities.

These types of releases help build a unique sense of awareness around social advancements and the betterment of communities. 

Here are a few of the donations and commitments made in June:  

3. ESG for the Customer

The more a company innovates on sustainable practices, the more opportunities they create to serve customers. This month, we saw the introduction of several environmentally conscious services that have been integrated into companies’ core offerings. Merging ESG into the overall business is a big step forward — customers, partners and the public are watching to see how well these sustainable services are represented within a company’s solutions. 

Here are a few ESG news releases focusing on the implementation of environmental services: 

The Takeaway

Halfway through 2022, companies are making great strides in telling their ESG stories and journalists are keeping track. Sharing vital ESG timelines, milestones and details with a sustainability report helps keep companies committed to their goals. Targeted charitable efforts demonstrate a company’s commitment to the particular needs of communities. And nothing says “commitment” better than building ESG into core operations. Together these trends are elevating the sustainability messages that are getting stakeholders energized about ESG.  

If you’d like to be in the know, add the ESG subject code to your PR Newswire for Journalists newsfeed to be notified of the latest announcements. If you need help or have questions, reach out to [email protected]. We’re ready to help customize your newsfeed. 

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As the IR Activations Director at Cision, Justin Ruiss creates and executes Investor Relations strategies including sales initiatives, marketing communication, knowledge and insights. Justin’s background in equity and primary research helps frame his approach to IR.

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