2023 Resolutions: Our Team’s Writing Goals for the New Year

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash
It was another busy year for the Beyond Bylines team – we published nearly 200 posts, including press release roundups, writing tips, upcoming events, and more. Within that wide range of posts, our readers definitely had their favorites.
We’re preparing a fresh editorial calendar for 2023 and the Beyond Bylines team of writers is setting their writing resolutions to keep learning and creating content that resonates with our readers.
Here are our writing resolutions for 2023.
Alexa Hoffman, Sr. Director, Product Management
I’ve been learning Spanish, so my resolution for next year is to try and write more in Spanish, whether it’s correspondence or even a (gasp) blog post. But I’m also aiming to not be shy in sharing it with others (who will hopefully not excoriate me for any mistakes).
Ashton Prater, Customer Content Specialist
I have several goals for 2023, but mainly I’d like to write more often, so I’d love to sign up for a few more posts in 2023. I want to try to write for the “Tools and Tips” category at some point and since I had a ton of fun writing the Blog Profiles, I would definitely like to continue contributing to that series as well
Darnell Wilson, Manager, Account Management
In 2023, I’m looking forward to falling in love with writing again. I’m a creative at heart and most of my creative calories have been used in other areas. There’s something special about telling stories from the perspective of my own or others that I’ve missed. I’m looking forward to centering my creative approach with writing being at the forefront.
Jessica Vomiero, Senior Product Manager
My resolution for 2023 is to leverage my writing to help Cision become a thought leader in the media-product space. Furthermore, I’d like to explore areas within the discipline of product management that I’m not as familiar with so that I might improve my knowledge of my field!
Kyle Todacheeney, Senior Customer Support Specialist
My writing resolution for 2023 is to refine my voice and ensure that readers who come across my pieces are engaged by the content I’m presenting. I hope to let my creative personality shine through all my written work so that readers are captivated by the subject matter – even if it lies outside of their usual interests. 2023 is the year to introduce myself as a writer who is CUTE: Charming, Unique, Talented, and Entertaining.
Logan Tierno, Customer Content Specialist
I would like to fill the gaps in our content calendar with new, engaging subjects and perspectives that have not been covered in the blog. I would be interested in writing about upcoming tradeshows, tips from a journalist’s perspective, and more Blog Profiles posts!
Maria Perez, Director, Audience Website Operations
My writing resolution is to read more. When life gets busy, reading is usually the first thing that falls by the wayside, but the more I read, the better I write. It’s also easier to come up with ideas when I am more informed on what’s happening in the industry.
Mehak Aggarwal, Client Content Specialist
This year, I wrote one post on the Beyond Bylines blog that highlighted women amputee TikTok stars, as well as another two for my personal blog. In 2023, I aim to ramp up and write more often for Beyond Bylines on diverse topics.
In 2022, I read a few books on writing – “the Artist’s Way;” “Naked, Drunk and Writing;” and “20 Master Plots” – and I’m also currently participating in an online writing workshop with GALE. In 2023, I want to apply the lessons learned and incorporate more literary techniques into my writing such as narration and scene, and stream of consciousness.
In 2023, I also hope to take the plunge into fiction writing; build on and expand my daily practice of writing for one hour; and work on building a meditation practice into my regular routine to experience life more fully and be more present – both of which are fodder for good writing.
Priscilla Rosero, Customer Content Specialist
My 2023 writing resolution is to improve my writing skills by stepping out of my comfort zone and really digging deep into what the audience would like to read. I am all about engaging with the audience so it would be nice to continue writing blog-style articles and listicles that can speak to them!
Rocky Parker, Manager, Audience & Journalist Engagement
Our team was very lucky to welcome a group of new contributors in the second half of 2022. I look forward to working with them in 2023 to develop fresh blog ideas that utilize their unique voices. I also hope to continue my work in refreshing older Beyond Bylines content so that it can reach a new audience.
Finally, I hope to effectively utilize our social media accounts to engage our audience, promote the work of our writers, and reach new readers.
Sarah Roberts, Director, Customer Content Services
My 2023 writing resolution is to read more widely about ESG trends and strategies and incorporate that context into my monthly blogs highlighting individual releases. While the amount of ESG news sent through PR Newswire only continues to grow, there are still questions about best practices and “the rules” for sending ESG content. I want to help guide companies on the most effective way to communicate some of their most important news that resonates with shareholders and consumers.
Vanessa Martinez, Senior Account Executive
My writing resolution for 2023 is to publish one blog post a month and venture into other topics such as roundups.
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Rocky Parker is the Manager of Audience and Journalist Engagement at Cision PR Newswire. She's been with the company since 2010 and has worked with journalists and bloggers as well as PR and comms professionals. Outside of work, she can be found trying a new recipe, binging a new show, or cuddling with her pitbull, Hudson.